Thursday 4 October 2007

Had another four or so wins under my belt within a few hours last night. The grenade throwing is getting better and the melee's are improving slightly, although it is annoying not winning some close up skirmishes. Oh an I'm also getting a lot more advantage out of the radar now I know the maps a bit better. That helps a lot with leading with grenades. It also helps with surprise "shotgun shell to the face, butt-o-gun in chin" maneuvers when enemies are coming around corners.

What I need is some kind of practice mode where I can just repeat that move endlessly until I nail it. The problem with campaign is that the little stupid things would die if you tickled them hard, and the 'monster' above that requires an overcharged plasma pistol round and half a magazine to fell. On top of that, the numbers in campaign out weigh any exercise you might gain from practice.

There must be some tactic for taking out a pair of guys in close combat... I suspect t has something to do with grenades and assassinations...

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